The Importance of the Biography of the Prophet in Translating the Holy Quran 2012
Done by: his eminence Dr. Mohamed Kharoubat
Doctor Mohamed Kharoubat started his lecture by stating the truth that the Prophet peace be upon him explained the Holy Quran through his Biography as well as his Sunna. He considered the Prophet’s Biography as the second source for legislation, which is one of the revelations, that is why it cannot be done without the quest for knowledge and studying religion thoroughly. The one asking for knowledge has to start by recognizing the books of Sunna and their graders methods to know how Hadith is extracted from these books. He should also look on Sunna explanations in order to benefit from its exuberant knowledge. One of the Sunna discipline requirements is familiarity with Hadith sciences, to be able to know “the reasons behind the Hadith’s coming”, ‘‘the abrogater and abrogated Hadith’’, and ‘‘discrediting and endorsement…’’. He said that the first real translation of the Holy Quran was its translation to reality from God’s messenger peace be upon him for ‘‘his morals were the Quran’’. The Prophet’s Biography has a wide range field, a vast sphere, and it is the key to figuring out the the Qur’anic verses meanings, as it solves problematic issues and helps in rhetoric and Qur’anic exegesis. The Holy Coran was arranged regardless of the reasons of revelation, but on a sequential order, that is why we find it distributed in the Biography books, and we find each verse in its correct place, with a detailed explanation of its reason of revelation. It is his Almighty ruling that the Quran is one, whether it is taken from the books of the Sunna or biography. All the sources of biography say that the abrogater and abrogated, depend on the element of time, so we understand that the latest abrogates the first. It also helps to explain the occasion of the verses, and the occasion is the subject of the verse, that is why we need to index the topics of the Quran. The books of exegeses provide us with the occasion before the reason of the revelation, and books of Biography give an explanation of the meaning of the verse on the total and then explain difficult terms of the Quran, Such as the book of Abd al-Mâlik Ibn Hichâm which explains difficult phrases in context. To better understand the Quran in its language, one must rely on a set of sciences, such as the exegesis and the fundamentals of jurisprudence and events and the meanings of the Quran and its words … All these sciences come together to assess the understanding of the researcher. If the Prophet’s Biography is important in understanding the Holy Quran in its language as we have displayed, its importance in translating the Quran and rendering it into other languages is not hidden to the previous case, so to render many of the meanings of the Quran and its secrets one must go back to the books of the Prophet’s Biography. Most professors have concluded that many things should be taken into consideration while rendering texts from the Prophet’s Biography. The Prophet’s Biography is a set of news interspersed with things that are sometimes not accepted by logic. Therefore, it must be treated with caution. And then it’s mandatory to assure that the Biography should be studied in a way that is approved by the principles and established by the Islamic approach (discrediting and endorsement), so as not to be inconsistent with science. Some of the recommendations of the formative-day are:
- Recruiting a team specialized in the Biography, which selects a number of sources, relying on three principles: We are Sunni Muslims, and the exegesis must be built on the doctrine of the Sunnis. Being cautious of the loss of this project between exhaustion and intimidation. The adoption of the platform of mediation and moderation and good vision, in the development of the index of the verses in the books of the Prophet’s Biography, to make it easier for the researcher to find and go back to it at any time.