Dictionary of Terminology Project

Dictionary of Terminology Project


Terminology research advancement correlates with a dedicated mastery of Terminology’s terminological patterns/ dynamics. However, Arabic terms within terminology studies are undergoing a turbulent instability, as it is the case with other specialized domains in the Arab world. At a more critical scale, this science, unlike any other science, faces terminological issues raising from the increase of new studies, the branching of the discipline and diversity in schools and approaches. Terms specific to terminology, in the Arab world, begin the world in a quasi-total absence of rigorous, theoretical and terminological studies or even technical holistic dictionaries that strive to fill the lexicological gap. Respectively, this lexical project’s aim is twofold. On the one hand, it seeks to overtake terminological balkanization, that threatens the Arab world in different fields including terminological studies, and to tackle its challenges. On the other hand, it seeks to build a dictionary specific to English- Arabic terminology. It is a contribution from AL Kindi Center and Laboratory of translation and Knowledge Integration to advance terminological studies in the Arab world. The dictionary of terminology is one of the promising and scientific megaprojects as it englobes more than 1600 term. These terms are compiled from terminology books written in English, scrutinized and edited with meticulous care to respond to the lack of making available specialized dictionaries in Arabic language. Therefore, this salient project’s overarching goals are to:

  • Create a dictionary that encompasses the majority of terms in terminology.
  • Fill in the huge gap in terminology.
  • Provide a systemic term base specific to terminology for Arab translators.
  • Standardize the translation of terminology terms.

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