Report of the First International Conference on “Phonetics and Knowledge Integration under the theme of Cognitive Integration between Phonetics and Musicology” 2017

Report of the First International Conference on

       “Phonetics and Knowledge Integration under the theme of Cognitive Integration between Phonetics and Musicology” 2017

                             In honor of Dr. Mohamed Ait Al-Farran

The First International Conference on Phonology and Knowledge Integration under the theme of “Cognitive Integration between Phonology and Musicology” was held in honor of Prof. Dr. Mohamed Ait Al-Farran, on Wednesday and Thursday, April 19th and 20th, 2017 at 9:00 in the auditorium of the Faculty of Arts and Human sciences – Marrakech.  By The Translation and Knowledge Integration Laboratory, the KINDY Centre for Translation and Training, and the Lab of Al Bayane, Values, and Interpretation methods.

The Opening session

The opening session was held at 9 am under the chairmanship of Prof. Dr. Moulay Mustafa Abu Hazem. The session began with the recitation of some verses from the Holy Quran. Then the dean of the Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences took the floor and stopped at the virtues of the celebrated professor. He also praised the role of the Translation and knowledge integration lab in organizing scientific meetings in the faculty, stopping at the invested efforts of the Lab director, Dr. Abdel Hamid Zahid. Professor Dr. Abdeljalil Hanoush, Director of the Lab of Al Bayane, Values ​​and Interpretation methods, then took the floor. He too highlighted the virtues of Prof. Dr. Mohamed Ait Al-Farran, recalling some of the good memories he had with the celebrated professor. After these short speeches, Dr. Abdel Aziz Ait Baha, on behalf of the Organizing Committee of the Conference, expressed his great happiness regarding the convening of this conference in honor of Dr. Mohammed Ait Al-Farran, who is deemed to be an emblem of the linguistic course.He also talked about the professor’s efforts in teaching and supervision Besides, in the name of the organizing Committee, he expressed his gratitude to the dean of the faculty and the University, who immensely contributed to the making up of such forums.

The first scientific session

The first scientific session ended with the speech of Prof. Dr. Abdel Wahed Lemrabet who, started his talk with thanking all those who contributed to the success of this scientific forum. He also thanked all the attendees, whether by testimony, intervention or attendance, recalling at the same time the activities of the celebrated Professor for decades. The morning activities of the first day were concluded by a lecture delivered by the celebrated professor under the title: “The text … Translation and blank filling strategy “. This seminar was chaired by Prof. Dr. Abdeljalil Hanoush, who mentioned the efforts of German Orientalism in relation to the Arab-Islamic culture. He also highlighted the areas of his work.   Professor Mohammed Ait Al-Farran discussed at the beginning of his lecture the relationship between the text and translation, noting that the text remains the concern of researchers in literary studies.   He also stopped at the concept of the absent text, especially for Edward Said, and moved to talk about Aristotle’s efforts in this section. He also pointed out the readings of Aristotle by the researchers. The professor also highlighted the efforts of German orientalists in the translation of the Holy Quran, underlining the characteristics of German Orientalism in this field. He concluded by thanking all those who contributed to this honor, especially the director of the translation and knowledge integration laboratory, Dr. Abdel Hamid Zahid.

Second Scientific Session

The second scientific session was chaired by Prof. Dr. Abdel Qader Hamdi; and it consisted of two interventions: First intervention This was Dr. Arabi Amish’s intervention, from the University of Hassiba Ben Bouali Chlef in Algeria. The theme of his intervention was “Functional Integration between Rhythm and Music.” The interlocutor emphasized that the tone context and music context correspond to their general meanings and are consistent within one function. That integration necessitated the transformation of prosody science in university into a cognitive form that is prosody science and poetry music. The evidence of their integration is that their psychological and emotional source is one. Their cognitive impact is manifested in the form of acumen or smartness translated in the form of sensory images of expansion and contraction. The comfortable rhythmical style is but the same musical melody. Together – music, sound, rhythm and the vocal sentence- are consistent within one emotional sensory function. It is a complex sensory position absorbed by the hearer through the perception of the modalities in which the tuned and harmonized sounds are captured. That is to say, the musical material,which is incentive to awaken perceptions and fantasies similar to those of the reader receiving the poetic message rhetorically.   On this basis, the adoption of rhythmic concepts in the presentation lesson requires the summoning of its subsequent cognitive complementations with the concepts of music and composition, which are complementary aspects that have a profound impact on the knowledge of language, poetry and the arts. The speaker called for the need to work on programming rhythmic and musical knowledge in the books of higher education, and to adopt its activities as a supplement to the Arab rhetoric and diction lesson. Second intervention This was Dr. Hassan Bouajlaben’s intervention, a professor at the Regional Center for Education and Training in Marrakech. The subject of his lecture was ” The phonic and musical rhythm: from variation of the components to harmony and correspondence.” At first, the speaker stopped at determining the linguistic meanings of rhythm, which indicates the movement. He also stopped at the terminological meaning, which proves that the determination of rhythm in the language aesthetics is more difficult than in poetry. The speaker underscored the intersections between phonetic components and the music science components, despite the differences between them, because the science of rhythmic music has been associated with prosody and the means used by each science are what made them different.  He pointed to the multiplicity of mutual benefits between phonetics and music science. He stopped at Al-Farabi’s clarifications regarding the harmony methods between linguistic and musical sounds. He stressed that many of Al-Farabi’s phonetic studies have specificities of making the most of music, which enriched the Arabic phonetic lesson with new concepts and contents.

Third Scientific Session

This session was chaired by Dr. Souad Al Kutbiya from the Faculty of Arts and Human sciences in Marrakech. It consisted of three interventions:   First intervention   “The role of toning in perceiving the meanings of Koran: a purely phonetic study of the intervals of the Moon Surah,” delivered by Dr. Yusuf Adrawa, from the Faculty of Arts Bani Mellal. The basic problematic lectured by the professor was the role of toning in perceiving of the meanings of the Koran. This problem has been addressed from two axes: 1 – the first axis where he spoke about the manifestations of toning in the Arabic language and the cognitive backgrounds governing the interaction of sounds in music as viewed by Ibn Jnei. 2 – the second axis; where the speaker focused on the role of toning in the realization of the meanings of the Koran through an analytical study of  “Al-Qamar” surah. The professor pointed out that this study does not bring anything new regarding the meanings put forward by the exegetes. Finally, after discussing this problem, he concluded that toning contributes to the perception of the meanings of “Al-Qamar” Surah. Second intervention “The aesthetics of the phonetic and musical rhythm and its rhetorical dimension in the Koran intervals – desertion of assets for the sake of intervals as a model”, by Dr. Abderrahman Maashi from the University of Prince Abdel Qader Constantine in Algeria. The professor defended, in his intervention, rhythm and music in the Koran. He mentioned that the performance and recitation of the Holy Quran helps to understand the meanings of the Quranic verses and make the listener love and become much keen on knowing their meanings.. He considered that hymns has a great impact on the listener of the Holy Quran and help him cogitate and fathom its meaning. Third intervention Was entitled: “The aesthetics of musical signatures between the language of the Koran and the language of poetry from the perspective of Sayed Qutb: a study in proportionality”, by Dr. Haroun Majid from the University of Hassiba Ben Bouali Tashelf in Algeria, the researcher addressed in his intervention: 1 – A presentation and a clarification of all the concepts contained in the title where the researcher examined and explored the meanings of these terms and introduced the concept of each term separately. 2 – The professor compared the musical rhythms between the language of the Koran and the language of poetry. He finally concludes that the language of the Koran is an influential language and attractive to the listener, and every time it is chanted, it gives the listener a sense of miracle and greatness.   Fourth intervention  Entitled ” The Waqf/ pause between Phonology and Musicology: A Research on Concept and Function” by Professor Zeina Borouissa of the University of Prince Abdelkader Constantine in Algeria. The researcher spoke in her intervention about the Arabic phonic lesson and prosodic traits in this lesson. First, she defined the concept of the pause in the phonic lesson in general, and then proceeded to identify the types and functions of the Arabic phonetic lesson. She also talked about the pause in the music science and its characteristics and features, and then identified the rhythmic units of the pause, and finally presented the results and conclusions reached in her comparison of the music science and phonology.

Fourth Scientific Session

The second scientific session was chaired by Prof. Dr. Moulay Ahmed, Khabir from the Faculty of Arts, Marrakech. The session consisted of four interventions: First intervention The intervention of Dr. Mohamed El-Fathi, Professor of the Regional Center for Education and Training in Fes. His intervention was about ” the Phonetic and Musical Concord and Harmony: Issues and Phenomena within the Scope of Cognitive and Methodological Integration between Phonology and Musicology”. He talked about the similarities between the phonic music lesson and the phonetic one. He pointed out the importance of the synthetic theory, and the importance of studying prosody for the integration of the fields of phonology and Musicology; this is shown through the Arab philosophical and artistic heritage, and the areas of Quranic readings, bearing in mind the features that make music stand out from branches and disciplines such as playing music, singing, recitation and chanting. He talked about the extensions of this perception within the framework of the so-called musical mathematics and informatics, and computer/ computational music science, without forgetting to point out the inability of synthetic phonology to conciliate the treatment between the phonetic phenomena, such as toning, coherence and cohesion. He explained that there is a convergence between the two fields (phonology, phonetics and music), especially in the levels of analysis adopted (physical content, prosody …). He showed that phonology is like music in that it is concerned with supra-segmental levels. He ended the intervention by underlining the openness of phonology in psychology, and the synthetic approach and the differentiation theory in processing musical phenomena. Second intervention Dr. Ahmed Al-Bayibi’s intervention, of the Multidisciplinary faculty, in Errashidia. His topic was about “Musicology and the Establishment of the Phonetic Term: The prosodic Term as a Model”. He started his lecture speaking about the importance of the phonetic lesson in the integration of its issues, especially elocution and the music science in the study of embellishment issues, specifically the prosodic and phonetic term definition and specification between Arab and Western culture, emphasizing the dominance of two poles – the toning and rhythm pole. Dr. Al-Bassam said that the basis of the phonetic study has a musical reference in the Arab culture, referring to a set of related pure phonetic terms such as tilting, amplitude, rhythm, lengthening and melody … He talked about rhythm as a true musical term; supporting this claim with examples and evidence from the Arab heritage such as Khalil, Ibn Jaini, Qurtajani and other music books in heritage; selecting a definition of rhythm and tapping, as they were treated by them, and comparing it with the linguistic and phonetic Western lesson which is not very different. He referred to the prosodic features of the Arabic language, limiting them to six features: the melody (which does not exist in Arabic), the toning, the tone, the pause, the length and the rhythm, set into rhythmic and toning poles. Besides, he showed the difference between melody, toning and tune in music, and its transfer to phonology. He concluded the intervention by explaining the reasons behind his interest in prosody in poetry, diction and singing, and confined them to performance, and presentation. This is due to the interaction of those who are interested in Greek heritage. Third intervention It was Dr. Nadira Bensalama’s, from the Higher Institute of Languages, Tunisia, on the topic “Phonic coherence between Music and Phonetics”. The presentation was divided into four themes. In the first axis, she tackled the definition of phonic coherence and its types in music. She dealt, in the second axis, with the definition of coherence and its types in phonetics. She devoted the third axis to identify the common points between the two, and the fourth axis was meant to highlight the differences that distinguish one from the other. The speaker confirmed that the phonic coherence or phonic compatibility in music improves where there is necessarily no opposition between the sub-line of the melody and the basic line, as they are performed simultaneously and synchronously. The phonic coherence in phonetics occurs at the level of vowels as well as the letters, but more commonly on vowels. The vowel coherence is manifested in the necessity of its accord within a phonic feature or several ones when belonging to the same word. Fourth intervention This was the intervention of Dr. Abdel Aziz Ait Baha and Professor Fatima Tarsim of the Translation and Integration Lab in Marrakech. The theme of their intervention was “The syllable in the Arab heritage between linguists and musicians.” The speakers stressed in their intervention that the ancients were generally aware of the idea of ​​the syllable and its importance. They portrayed in many of their research a cross-sectional vision. They realized that the syllable was a bigger structure than vowels, letters, beats and pauses. It is shaped out of their combination in a specific way. The syllable in the ancient Arab heritage has two different manifestations. The first is a linguistic syllable that has been associated with linguistic phonics. Musicologists referred to its most prominent types after being informed and benefited from the Greek heritage. The second is a musical syllable, which has been linked to the efforts of musicologists in shaping the music sound and the structure of Arabic rhythms. The two speakers stressed that the music syllable of the Arab musicians was founded on the prosodic syllable, which is based on the same structural foundations. The speakers concluded at the end of their paper that the overlap between the musical syllable and the prosodic syllable is clear, bearing in mind the fact that the musical syllables emulate the linguistic segments in terms of the phonic essence.

Fifth Scientific Session

This scientific session was chaired by Dr. Abdelouahed Al-Morabit, who started with thanking the honorable audience. He then reminded the audience of the topic of the fourth part which the session falls in, and which is a follow-up of the fourth scientific session under the theme: “Aspects of cognitive integration between phonology and musicology.” First intervention It was entitled: ” Levels of Interaction between phonology and musicology: The founding cognitive backgrounds” by Dr. AbdelKarim Abzari of the Faculty of Arts in Rachidia. Dr. Azbari thanked all the contributors, supporters and organizers of this scientific conference. Then he moved on to talk about the issue of the foundations of constructing discourse in all its different dimensions, especially the issues related to the phenomenon of phonology. He started his intervention by pointing out that research on the phenomenon of phonology is still the focus of the study of both grammarians and linguists. He advanced that this phenomenon is approached in the light of the articulation and multiple manifestations of each sound, as well as the way in which these sounds are organized, composed, and articulated. In order to distinguish these thematic and asymmetric intersections between phonology and musicology, as well as underlining the impact of these perceptions and reflections on the development of a grammatical and linguistic Arabic thought, the lecturer investigated the works of some leading figures in this field, such as Al-Farabi and Ibn Jini. This topic was developed based on the following axes: – Considering the differences and distances that separate phonology and musicology. – The cognitive principles in phonology. – Shedding light on the cognitive limitations of Arabic phonology in musicology. The lecturer has also pointed out that the difference between musicology and the other cognitive sciences lies in the lack of image of the subject in the subject matter and in the fact that sounds are not concrete and not as it is the case with other arts such as painting and sculpture. The make of the music sounds stems from two sources: the first one is wherein you hear these melodic sounds, and the second is noticed directly from the form of such linguistic sounds. He has focused on the fact that these interrelated sections between phonology and musicology fall within the scope of natural science, which examines the essence of sounds. Dr. AbdelKarim Abzari pointed out that Ibn Sina studied the music craft in light of two principles whose sole source is sound. It is an art that is divided into two parts: composition with the tone as its subject, and the other is the rhythm which takes the different time lapses between the tune and the flicks as its subject, and considers its rhythm scale in the purpose of creating a melody. He explained that the overlap between scale levels and melody interacts to make the sound for the so-called music craft. To conclude his statement, Dr. Abzari pointed out to the mounting interest that Arabs have for music industry,and hence  a new investment in the foundations and principles of such cognitive studies in Alfarabi’s era. It is also known that no other scientific field can evolve and prosper unless it interacts and integrates with other linguistic sciences. This rule applies as well to the phenomenon of sound that has to interact and integrate with the phenomenon of music. Second intervention It was entitled ‘the aesthetic and stylistic manifestation of the acoustic function’ by Dr. Tata Ben Qarmaz, from the University of Hassiba Ben Bouali Chlef in Algeria. Dr. Tata started by thanking and congratulating Dr. Abdelhamid Zahid for his precise and right choice of mixing between the vocal and the musical function. The lecturer commenced by citing Ibn al-Ather’s view regarding the difference between words and sounds. She pointed out that there is no arbitrary relationship between sound and meaning, for the stylistic peculiarity of any literary work flourishes through the vocal composition of its words. She insisted also that there is a strong bond between style and sounds that the language hides behind the sound, she refers here to the relevant theory recognizing that humans express themselves through language, but highlight the value of language through the style. The lecturer has also presented the stylistic peculiarity of the letters that differ according to their place of articulation, highlighting the artistic traits of the literary characteristics, in regard to the voices employed, as a rhetorical function that is manifested through the vocal composition. Dr. Tata pointed out that the study of stylistics starts by studying the vocal effect of the structure of the melody and the formation of letters. She also pointed out that the uttering of speech during the functional performance of language depends on the nature of the letters; because there are some letters that are light and easy to utter while others are not. She also drew attention to the close relationship between hearing and speaking, citing Al-Jahid who says: “He who does not know how to speak, will not be able to hear”. Then, she raised the issue of underestimation and resignation as two tangible criteria that denote the harmony and smoothness of words. The lecturer also presented the subject of the natural physical ground of the phonetic utterance. She classified sounds as simple which are emitted from the throat and complicated that are subject to the changes in the tongue and palate. She also referred to the replacement memory used by poets, for example, to draw on their linguistic repertoire to employ some letters characterized by stylistic, aesthetic and sensory standards that suits the nature of work. Dr. Tata concluded her intervention by reading the prelude of Mruʔu Al-Qais’s masterpiece entitled “Qifaa nabkiقفا نبك , as a model to explain how the tone of the letter q ق’ contributed aesthetically to the improvement of the vocal structure, pointing out that the poet’s resorting to some words is often due to the current meanings he feels overwhelmed by. Third intervention It was entitled “melody classes between musicology and phonology” and presented by Dr. Abdelhamid Zahid and Dr. Hoda Rawd, from the Translation and Knowledge Integration Laboratory. At the beginning of his intervention, Dr. Zahid thanked all contributers to the success of this conference, which aims to give the sounds an outlet outside the narrow circles and the labs rigidity. He pointed out that his intervention was in cooperation with Dr. Huda Rawd of the Translation and Knowledge Integration Laboratory. And it includes two axes: theoretical and applied, the research aims to highlight the complementarities between phonology and musicology because they both study the sound. The lecturer pointed to the relationship and interrelations between the two sciences, citing the theory of Ibn Jini, which confirms that phonology and letters share the interest in music because of the craft of sounds and melody. He also mentioned Ibn Sina’s definition of phonology as a mathematical science which examines the state of melody. He also pointed to the crossing and the intersection of sounds in various sciences, explaining that if the people of rhetoric have set the sound standard as a condition of the eloquence of the speaker, and uttering each sound in perfect way as a condition of the people of Tajweed, and so there must be some conditions to consider to say that a singer is eloquent. Dr. Zahid has selected some of these conditions from the book entitled ‘the perfection of the literature of singing’ by Hassan ben Ahmed Alkatib. These conditions focus mainly on the control of the movement of the body during the singing process, these movements which should be limited to the eye, the eyebrows, the shoulders and the head. That is what he calls the eloquence of the body. As far as the issue of the function of the “long vowels” the language and music is concerned, Dr. Zahid pointed out that singing is not manifested through short movements, but rather through long movements. He advances that any short-acting letters turn into a long movement during the singing process. And that most of the Arabic letters used in singing are: “‘lam’/l/, ‘mim’/m/ and  ‘noun’ /n/.” As far as the definition of melody and toning is concerned, Dr. Zahid stated that melody corresponds to toning in music, and that tune corresponds to tone in language. As the melody is the sum of the tones arranged somehow. He also referred to the types of melodies and their objectives, based on the division of Farabi, who divided them into three categories: – A category that makes the listener enjoy the audible. – A category that inspires people to fantasies and moves emotions. – A category that raises emotions and moves the human body. Dr. Abdel-Hamid Zahid has been keen keen on presenting an applied lyrical section on each category. Dr. Zahid devoted the last part of his intervention to some melodies which he considered to be like metaphors linguistic enhancers in rhetoric for oraters and comparing them also to the “ayn” letters that the calligrapher relies on in his work of calligraphy. These categories include: time, suspense, duration, excess of sound Haa” and gradualism.

Sixth Scientific Session

The sixth scientific session was resumed after a tea break.It was chaired by Dr. Hassan Al-Mazouni; from the Faculty of letters and Human Sciences in Marrakech. This session started with an intervention entitled: “properties of tone in the non-consecutive grammar: Arabic as a case of study” by Dr. Motassem El-Kartouti. Dr. El-Kartouti stressed at the beginning of his talk that this intervention falls within the framework of honoring Prof. Dr. Mohamed Ait Al-Farran, pointing out that he disagrees with many, and that the Arabic language should be reconsidered in this regard, because the Western concept of tone requires some consideration and broad expansion in its meanings and significance to determine what ‘tone’ we are talking about. For, the Arabic language is derivative, with a non-consecutive line. He tried to invoke a set of practical examples clarifying his point. Dr. El-Kartouti concluded his intervention by stressing that this language still needs to be studied to identify the properties of the tone it encompasses, and that we should not limit ourselves to what was brought to us from the Western books in the field, so as to discern its situation, bearing in mind that it is a language of potential and derivational means which enables it to discern the meanings. This was followed by the intervention of Professor Nassiba Jammad of the University of Ghardaia, Algeria, entitled ” The phenomenon of Sound (Language and Music) from the Perspective of Neuroscience”. Professor Nassiba commenced her intervention by thanking the organizers of this conference. She then provided a definition of Neurosciences, and tried to re-inforce her definition by providing some statistics about the brain and a description of some of the techniques used in functional neuro-imaging. She also clarified the relationship between the brain and hearing, and highlighted the characteristics of neurological responses. Next, she talked about the relationship between the brain and the language by studying the location of the areas that deal with human sound. In the third and final axis of her intervention, the professor attempted to explain the relationship between the brain and music, by first answering the question of how music is organized in our brain, accentuating that the two hemispheres listen to the same music. Professor Nassiba tried to explain how the brain identifies music and mental representation, emphasizing the different types of memory that work during the retention of music. She concluded her presentation by showing the differences in the activity of  brain areas by assisting a music track and comparing linguistic retention and music retention, pointing in her conclusion to the influence of music on brain growth; and stressing through a set of evidence that music is a cognitive stimulator. After thanking the professor for her invaluable intervention, the chairman opened the floor to Dr. Abdel Aziz Ait Baha from the “Translation and knowledge integration laboratoty” for his lecture entitled “Prolonged sounds (long vowels) between phonology and musicology”, a joint intervention between him and his professor Dr. Abdelhamid Zahid, head of the aforementioned Laboratory. In the beginning of his intervention, Dr. Ait Baha indicated that the goal of his intervention is to consider the method of studying phonology and musicology of the prolonged sounds (long vowels), and therefore divided into two axes. The first axis dealt with the nature of the prolonged sounds and its properties according to the two sciences. Dr. Ait Baha concluded that phonology and musicology view the matter from different angles. The second Axis dealt with the function of these voices and their role in sound formation, as well as in the formation of melodies and rhymes. Thus, the doctor concludes his intervention with summaries that include: the strong presence of cognitive integration and practical infusion among ancient Arab linguists mainly the grammarians, and alert them to the characteristics of the prolonged sounds and their role in voicing, speaking, the extension of the breath and sounds, and decorating the melodies. The chairman opened the floor to questions and comments.

Honorary Session

The session was chaired by Dr. Ezz El Din El Dahbi of the Faculty of letters in Marrakech who welcomed Dr.MoahmmadAit Al-Farran and the audience. Dr. El Dahbi considered this honor as a good deed, especially as it is a recognition of the great scientific efforts invested by Dr. Moahmmad Ait Al-Farran both inside and outside of the Faculty of letters in Marrakech. The speaker then opened the floor to Dr. Ahmed Shehlan of the Faculty of letters in Rabat. Dr. Shehlan expressed his happiness and joy over this honor, which he considered to be a tribute to him as well, and continued his speech by his testimony in favor of Dr. Ait Al-Farran, saying that he has a lot of affection and appreciation for him, reminding the audience of his virtues and offering him a book he has issued recently. After the speech of Dr. Shehlan, the speaker gave the floor to Dr. Moulay Al-Mamoun Lamarini, from the Faculty of Arabic Language in Marrakech, who welcomed Dr. Ait Al-Farran and the honorable audience. He also thanked the Organizing Committee for this initiative, stressing that Dr. Ait Al-Farran deserves this honor. Dr. Lamarini considered him to be a polymath because he contributed to the establishment of a group of scientific pillars within and outside of the Faculty of letters, including: his contribution to the establishment of the Arabic language department at the faculty of letters, and his contribution to the establishment of the Moroccan Association for Oriental Studies, and his contribution to the establishment of the oriental curriculum in Morocco, as well as the establishment of a set of scientific curricula within the Moroccan universities and beyond. Dr. Al-Marini also mentioned some of the virtues of the honoree, mainly his kindness, generosity, nobility of origin and scientific value, to conclude his testimony by praying for his health and long life. After the testimony of Dr. Lamarini, the chairman gave the speech to Dr. Abdeljalil Hannouch of the Faculty of letters in Marrakech, who considered the honoring of the Professor Dr. Mohamed Ait Al-Farran to be a celebration of human values ​​and high morals. In his testimony, Dr. Hanoush talked about the most important scientific events in which he took part beside the honoree for more than thirty-six years. He also praised through his testimony the good qualities that characterize the honoree, which he described as elegant. He advanced that the honored was elegant in everything, in thought, language, speech, ethics, lecture, etc., so that elegance became his own style in word and deed. In the end, Dr. Hanoush stressed the nobility of Dr. Ait Al-farran morals and the good deeds that made him loved by all the professors and students. Among the other testimonies that followed are the testimonies of Dr. Abdul-Ilah Abu Maria and Fatima Ashheiba, who both spoke about the methodology adopted by the honoree in the lesson and the method of dealing with his students. After that, the chairman opened the floor for the Director of the Translation and knowledge integration laboratoty, Dr. Abdel Hamid Zahid of the Faculty of letters in Marrakech, who thanked God for facilitating the organization of this blessed scientific conference which brought together academic and scientific researchers, and which honored one of the pillars of linguistics in Cadi Ayyad University and the other Moroccan universities. In his testimony, Dr. Zahid talked about the most important events that gathered him with the honoree. He started by talking about his being one of his students at the Faculty of Arabic Language and ended by talking about teaching beside him in the Faculty of letters and Human Sciences. Dr. Abdel Hamid pointed out to the great help he received from the honoree when he started his career as a teacher of Arabic at the faculty, he also mentioned some of his qualities and virtues. After listening to the testimonies, the honoree presented his speech, in which he thanked all the organizers of this conference. He also thanked all the participants from outside and inside of Morocco. He also expressed his happiness at this honor. At the end of the conference, The Dean of the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences presented the honorary shield to the honored Dr. Mohammed Ait Al-Farran, who also received a collection of gifts from various parties.

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